Nikki’s Blog
Read more from Nikki’s Blog to find out more about her artistic experiences, latest inspirations and thing she loves. I’ll also be sharing news about my latest Homeware collections, Gifts and Accessories.
The evolution of my art
If anyone asked me, which artist I have personally been inspired by through work, Pablo Picasso would be the one. He was considered one of the most influential artists of the 20th century, and I would agree! I do feel that in someways I can relate to him. Picasso...
PINK From the early 20th century, PINK started to be adopted as a more feminine colour and because of this trend has continued from there. As a matter of fact the psychology in colour is known to have some impact on your mood and behaviours and because of this...
” To be without trees would, in the most literal way, to be without our roots”
Returning back to my home roots of Bristol City, after many years away, has evoked pleasant memories of my childhood, one in particular of being around a woodland habitat Let me share one in particular! Thanks to my uncle, who worked for the Bristol Forestry...
An inspired gift
My “fun” was art. Painting, drawing and making things. Being creative in only the way that children can be. I loved it. Creating my own imaginary world and the things that existed in it. Childhood escapism at its best.